As we embark on the year ahead, I’d first like to say that I am truly honored to be serving as your 2024 Association President. Taking on the role of Association President is a huge leadership role and one that I do not take lightly. In my perspective, a leader is someone who inspires action, ignites passions and empowers others to succeed by recognizing the value in their unique skill sets. As I take on this position, I acknowledge the trailblazers who came before me who helped to set the PACE and pave the way, setting the foundation for another successful year. I am equally inspired by those new members who are just starting their journey into real estate, who will bring fresh insights and ideas to our Association, and by those whom I get to serve alongside, guiding this Association forward.

When I started in real estate 11 years ago, I walked into my brokerage without a clue of what I was getting myself into. I was clueless about what an Association meant for us as real estate agents. I was told that I needed to join an Association, so I drove down the street and walked through the door. I was immediately greeted with a warm smile, was handed forms and applications and yet another fee schedule and realized that by joining I would have access to the MLS. Great! Now I can view and show properties! My entire perception of the Association was that it provided me access to the MLS, at that time little did I grasp that it was so much more.

After meeting with my first potential client, I realized that I needed guidance, education, coaching, and leadership. I began observing what successful agents around me were doing and asked them what I needed to do. I started going where these agents were going, and it turns out that these inspiring agents were attending business meetings, events, property tours, city updates, networking gatherings, committee meetings, and classes all revolving around the Association with fellow real estate professionals with shared objectives. They all aimed to keep our profession and business at its best and provide our clients with the exceptional service they deserve. Moreover, it seemed that these agents who invested so much of their time and energy into bettering their profession were also the most successful.

I am very much aware of some challenges we face in the current market, as there is an air of uncertainty for many. In this season in our profession, with challenges stemming from interest rate hikes, national lawsuits, and soaring property taxes after significant inflation, we have witnessed members leaving the industry to pursue different paths. However, as Albert Einstein astutely said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” I want our members to know that this Association stands with them, offering the tools, classes, information, and supportive community that will help us navigate through another year of uncertainty. We will continue to equip them for success, and inspire them to get involved and join committees. I want them to use myself and our staff as a resource and for support.

During my tenure as your president, I envision a collaborative group of individuals who are all working towards shared goals. I see an opportunity for agents, brokers and affiliates to combine their talents and create a strong team. We have put together an amazing set of committees that have set the PACE for this Association. We have members who have selflessly volunteered their time and have a dedicated staff who work diligently to ensure the success of our members and committees. Our Board of Directors is genuinely committed to the growth and future of this Association. My vision for the Association is to continue to grow and cultivate a strong membership, building on the foundation that captured my heart when I became a member 11 years ago. Association membership goes beyond MLS access; it constitutes a community of like-minded individuals with shared goals, committed to upholding ethics, contributing to the community, and acquiring comprehensive knowledge in all aspects of real estate.

Our objective in 2024 will be focused on our members. Identifying your goals, igniting your fire, and empowering you towards success.