The market has been changing, and so are we! It feels like the activity in the Austin market is getting busier as spring approaches. Our February was full of activities from our organization, including events at the Texas Realtors conference, learning all about LLC’s and making better reels, and meeting up to make popby’s.

With everything February had to offer, we are kicking off March with a members only virtual networking event. As the market is picking up and people are reaching out, this is prime time for us to build relationships between the different networks and provide referral business based on the different niches.

If you haven’t joined us yet, this is such a great opportunity! It is still early in the year, and this year is built around supporting our members and helping you achieve the success you are dreaming of. We would love to hear from you! If you don’t know who we are or what we are about, drop me a line and let’s chat.